Monday, September 22, 2008

I can not beleive that i have not added to this blog since June 26. There is so much to tell. We built a wonderful hen house this summer. Actually I designed it and Josh built it It is harvest break and Josh doesn't have a harvest job so we will finish it off in the next two weeks. We have siding to put up, window frames with plexi glass to build and install and painting to do. We have 30 hens; 10 Rhode Island Reds, 10 Barred Plymouth Rocks and 10 black sex links. They are 12 weeks old today and all are doing great. We have no roosters and that is the way we wanted it. All three breeds are quiet breeds so we seldom hear anything unless we are right in the hen house.

The garden didn't do so well this year. We had plenty of green beans but almost no tomatoes and only one cucumber. Onion production was good. The corn also grew well but no corn. We are going to change the way we do things next year. We are going to build all raised beds 24 in tall so that it is easier for me to weed. We are slso going to use the square foot method of gardening in the raised beds. We tried egyptian walking onions and potaot onions this year and when we replant them this fall we are doing it in the first raised bed.

Family wise this was an interesting summer. Bobs wife, Lori died in August after an almost 5 year battle with breast cancer. Bob and the kids are doing well and understand where Lori is .

Bob and Loris oldest, Valerie was married 3 weeks before Lori died and Lori was able to fly to Idaho and attend the wedding.

Our other bride this summer was John and Denises oldest, Elise. She was married in early September in a lovely ceremony in her parents back yard.

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